Lastifil 807 small

Lastifil 807

Joining difficult to weld steel - highest toughness

EN ISO 14343-A (G 18 8 Mn)
AWS A5.9 (ER307Si)

General description:

Joining highly alloyed and difficult to weld steel. Very tough, wear resistant refacings, resistant against heavy shocks, corrosion and rust. Work hardens under impact load. Crack resistant base layer for hard facings. Oxidation resistant up to 850°C.

Typical applications:

Welding armour steel, wear resistant chromium steels (3CR12 for example), manganese steel (12% Mn), joining stainless steel to carbon steel. Refacing rails, frogs, clutches, crane wheels. Universal welding wire for maintenance and repair.

Typical chemical composition of all-weld-metal:

CSiMnCrNiMo & CuS & P

Typical mechanical properties of all-weld-metal:

≥350 Mpa≥500 Mpa≥25 %≥50J (R.T.)


Joining difficult to weld steel: in function of the chemical analysis and the work piece thickness, preheating or cooling down slowly can be necessary. Manganese steel (12%) is welded without preheat (max. 350°C interpass temperature).

Packaging information:

1,2mm x 15kg spool -ArticleNo.:9807.12
1,6mm x 15kg spool -ArticleNo.:9807.16

Other dimensions and packaging on request.


Lastek Lastifil 807
English, 21.11.2019.